collective wisdom
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collective wisdom book

Karen Speerstra

karen speerstra

Author of Hunab Ku: 77 Sacred Symbols for Balancing Body and Spirit, Divine Sparks: Collected Wisdom of the Heart, & The Green Devotional: Active Prayers for a Healthy Planet

At a time when Carl Jung's Red Book after many long years of being hidden away finally greets the world and Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol creeps into our collective minds, just as his The DaVinci Code managed to do,
along comes another book that underscores that we humans are much more than we give ourselves credit for. We are, indeed, not separated. It's folly, as their subtitle implied, and a delusion to continue thinking we are. Following this old-thinking path will lead to only more fragmentation and polarization. And, heaven knows, we see enough of that right now.

I'm someone who strongly believes we are all divine sparks as Hildegard of Bingen, that wonderful old Rhineland mystic taught us, so I am drawn to the richness that undergirds this book. Carl Jung, Albert Einstein, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and other contemporary voices.

As the title implies, The Power of Collective Wisdom is more about group wisdom than about our individual attempts at being and acting intelligent. It's time now, they end, we come together. The authors invite us to return to our collective field. Echoing what Rumi once said, "I'll meet you there."

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